Innovative Cost Solutions
1) Waste Consulting Service for CommonWealth Purchasing Group Members.
The Company
The Company Innovative Cost Solutions LLC is a leading waste consulting company that helps healthcare facilities reduce their Medical Waste as well as their Solid Waste and Recycling costs. We are a waste consulting company not a waste removal company. We don’t own any trucks and we don’t pick up your waste. We help healthcare facilities utilize their existing waste removal companies more efficiently making sure that they are not spending any more than they have to on all of their waste removal services.
Our Service
There’s no up front cost to hire us. Our program is 100% performance based. Once you’ve hired us we will conduct an in depth audit of your existing operations to identify where you are over spending and losing money on your waste removal services. We’ll develop a set of recommendations on how you can reduce your costs and we’ll present those recommendations to you for your approval. Once you approve our recommendations we’ll handle the entire implementation process making sure that the savings we’ve promised are actually delivered. We’ll then continue to manage your waste removal costs; auditing your invoices each month for accuracy and making sure that your costs stay as low as possible.
Our Value Proposition
If you’re tired of constant rate increases and overcharges or you simply think that you’re waste removal costs are out of control then our service is definitely for you. There’s absolutely nothing to lose by hiring us. We conduct a free audit for you and worst case scenario, we simply confirm for you that you’re doing a good job and no further savings can be achieved. However, 90% of all companies are over spending on their waste removal services so chances are you might be one of them.
Our Fee
Since our program is 100% performance based there’s absolutely zero risk on your part. There’s no up front cost or hidden fees. We only make money if we save you money. In the event that we do save you money, we simply share in the savings that we produce by sharing in the savings with you 60/40 for the length of our agreement.
Time Required
One of the great things about our service is that we require very little time from our clients. In total we probably only require about 1 to 2 hours of your time and that’s from start to finish. This includes both our initial introduction as well as the recommendations meeting. We do the majority of the work behind the scenes allowing you to focus your efforts elsewhere.
Our Results
We’ve saved our clients anywhere from 9% to 74%. The results can clearly vary but on average we save our healthcare clients 35%.
To get started call us at 781-799-7400!
Find out more by visiting our website
Let us manage your waste. You manage your business.